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Ingredients required: Worcestershire Sauce, Vodka, Triple Sec, Tomato Juice, Tabasco, Spiced Rum, Simple Syrup, Peach Schnapps, Passion Fruit Juice, Orange Liqueur. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by Nikothebartender1

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  1. BelliniBellini

    A sparkling based cocktail that originated in Italy.
    By Athena

  2. X-Rated in Shower

    Citrus and Butterscotch. It just works.
    By dutchtrader

  3. Luxury Cherry Bubblecake

    Extravagant champagne cocktail. Great party drink to get everyone in the mood.
    By Bobologist

  4. Bloody CeasarBloody Ceasar

    A variant of the Bloody Mary ordered at the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas by crooner Tony Bennett.
    By David

  5. Cinnamon Girl

    A great way to kick up a bloody Mary a notch or two!!
    By all4myusa

  6. Prohibition PunchProhibition Punch

    A fizzy tropical prohibition style drink that packs a punch!
    By hazelspacelady

  7. Kir ImperialKir Imperial

    A variant of the Kir Royale, done with a raspberry liqueur instead of cassis.
    By David

  8. PoinsettiaPoinsettia

    An elegant cocktail, perfect for the holidays parties.
    By David