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Drinks best suited for Anderson
Ingredients required: White Rum, Vodka, Sour Puss Raspberry, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, Midori, Malibu Rum, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, Kahlúa. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by Iiyes
A simple and great after dinner cocktail
By David
A refreshing shooter that is 'UGLY' to look at but tastes a treat.
By Athena
A more potent orgasm.
By David
A popular shooter with a funny name
By David
The zombie is popular among young crowds. It's delicious and packs a very strong alcoholic content. This drink is dangerous, after 2 of them you'll likely walk like a zombie.
By David
By jkittredge
A fruity cocktail as green as the comics hero!
By David