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Ingredients [ oz | cl ] | [ My Bar ] |
2 dashes Bacardi 151 | [ Add ] |
1 oz White Rum | [ Add ] |
1 oz Golden Rum | [ Add ] |
1 oz Dark Rum | [ Add ] |
1 oz Apricot Brandy | [ Add ] |
1 oz Orange Juice | [ Add ] |
1 oz Pineapple Juice | [ Add ] |
1⁄4 oz Lime Juice | [ Add ] |
1 dash Grenadine | [ Add ] |
Volume: 6.4 oz
Alcohol units: 4.4 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 23%
Times viewed: 263311
Average Score: 8.8 (18 votes)
My Score |
The Zombie first appeared in the late 1930s, invented by Donn Beach of Hollywood's Don the Beachcomber restaurant. It was popularized soon afterwards at the 1939 New York World's Fair.
Beach concocted it one afternoon for a friend who had dropped by his restaurant before flying to San Francisco. The friend left after having consumed three of them. He returned several days later to complain that he had been turned into a zombie for his entire trip.
A popular but strong drink from the Philippines.
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Added by David on 2009-09-10 13:48:36
Last updated on 2009-11-19 22:09:12
Status: Approved