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Ingredients required: Whisky, Vodka (with Earl Grey tea infusion), Vodka, Tea, Sugar, Sprite, Simple Syrup, Rum, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by Jamesjlovept
Sweet, peachy, and refreshing
By Craftyfox
A really great, creamy drink. Perfect for dessert and alike.
By holgerwich
A great refreshing summer drink
By David
Sweet cocktail based with rum with taste of honey.
By alexandre.isabel9
The famous Brazilian Caipirinha made with vodka.
By David
Rum and Sprite. A very popular drink from Dominican Republic.
By David
A very simple cocktail made with orange juice and peach schnapps.
By David
A very simple and tasty Martini.
By David
A simple and classic recipe : Seagram's 7 Whisky and 7UP.
By David
A quick and easy drink for parties and relaxing with friends. A response to the Cuba Libre.
By Laertes Ursus