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Just the ones I've given a go.
Ingredients required: Vodka, Tequila, Sprite, Peach Schnapps, Ouzo, Orange Juice, Midori, Limoncello, Lime Wedge, Lemonade. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by James Hoye
I added a bit less tequila and a bit more grenadine for sweetness.
By David
Or 'Long Island Iced Tea' : A very popular long drink.
By Athena
Nice and easy.
By David
Really easy to do I was bored and mix until I got this is refreshing the kind of drink u will get more then once.
A simple kiwi drink
A sweet tequila-based classic cocktail created by Trader Vic.
By David
A more potent orgasm.
By David
Its a small drink with a really peculiar taste. Its half dark green and half red with a little white inside
By rex111198
Midori and Limoncello cocktail.
By James Hoye
By Heidy-Jaye
Get a taste of summer with this citrusy gin drink.
By johnniepop