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For me to try

Ingredients required: Whisky, Sweet Vermouth, Sprite, Spiced Rum, Simple Syrup, Scotch, Rye Whiskey, Orange Juice, Maraschino Cherry, Lemon Juice. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by both4291

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  1. Boccie Ball

    Tall drink with Amaretto, Orange Juice, and Cub Soda
    By CraigYoung

  2. Blond Rum & Coke

    Lighter & sweeter version of the famous rum & coke
    By Shaun

  3. Whisky SourWhisky Sour

    The simplest mixed drink you can do with whisky.
    By David

  4. GodfatherGodfather

    Another classic cocktail inspired by a classic movie
    By David

  5. ManhattanManhattan

    Some would call the Manhattan the most classic cocktail, or the King of Cocktails.
    By David

  6. Rob RoyRob Roy

    The Gaelic cousin of the popular Manhattan.
    By David

  7. Perfect ManhattanPerfect Manhattan

    Your run of the mill Manhattan, with the exception that it uses both types of Vermouth, removing the need for bitters by balancing the mixture.
    By chris