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A classic fizz. One of Iron Chef Michael Symons favorite drinks. This drink is essentially an alcoholic meringue (as in lemon meringue pie) - don't be afraid of the egg or you will seriously miss out on one of the best and easiest drinks to make ever.
[5 @ 7] [Classique] [Glamour] [Party] [Piscine] [Rafraichissant] [Retro] [Simple] [Sucré] [Tropical]
Ingrédients [ oz | cl ] | [ Mon bar ] |
1 1⁄2 oz Rhum Blanc | [ Ajouter ] |
3⁄4 oz Jus de lime | [ Ajouter ] |
3⁄4 oz Sirop de sucre | [ Ajouter ] |
1 Blanc d'oeuf | [ Ajouter ] |
Volume: 3,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 1,8 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 20%
Nombre de visionnement: 35989
Evaluation moyenne: 8,4 (7 évaluations)
Mon évaluation |
Eggs rarely get used in modern drinks, which is sad to me because they add great texture and dimension to drinks. About 6 months ago I started experimenting with classic 'fizzes' and this was my favorite.
Un des cocktails les plus simples à faire avec du rhum blanc. Un rhum cubain (ex: Havana Club) peut faire une grande différence!
A no-carb sweet drink. Fun, but rather eerie cloudy white.
Ajouter un commentaire pour ce drink:
Nice one! To rate it, I'd have to try it a couple more times, though.
If you actually bother to shake it for about 4 minutes, the froth created by the egg white will be so stiff you can scoop it out with a spoon.
Commentaire par Rascal le 2016-05-31 14:11:41
Ajouté par Zuellander le 2011-03-22 20:20:10
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2011-03-23 13:39:02
Statut: Aprouvé