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Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort

Type: Liqueur

Alcohol by volume: 35%

Added by christhebonus

All cocktails made with Southern Comfort

  1. Sam AdamDew's Comforts 7.0/10

    Sam Adam's beer, brightened and strengthened up a bit.
    By 200ProofDAVE

  2. Steamboat 6.5/10

    A simple southern drink
    By David

  3. Skipper's Ripper 4.0/10

    If you think Coke isn't sweet enough!
    By David

  4. Southern Belle

    Get down easy in the south! A nice creamy drink to get your Steamboat Willie going - but don't count the calories ;o)
    By solicitor73

  5. SoCo Party Punch

    Party Punch that tastes great and will give you a slight buzz
    By schnitker

  6. Maui Punch

    A delicious punch similar to the Hawaiian Punch.
    By David

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