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Type: Juice
Freshly squeezed
Added by David
All cocktails made with Orange Juice
This non-alcoholic version of the cocktail has nothing in common with its spirited counter-part. It doesn't resemble the name in no way, except maybe that it is pretty cool mocktail after all.
By johnniepop
A tropical recipe great for a party
By David
Several variations of this very popular drink exist. This is my favorite.
By David
This drink is a refreshing tropical fruit drink. I recommend this drink to the people who like refreshing tropical drinks. Hope you enjoy !
By rex111198
Refreshing and made with style. Perfect for pregnant women on a party.
A refreshing cocktail with a nice orange colour.
By SexInGoodSpirit
A delicious yellow girly drink.
By David
A fruity drink with a considerable amount of alcohol.
By justvater
Really easy to do I was bored and mix until I got this is refreshing the kind of drink u will get more then once.
Citrus and Butterscotch. It just works.
By dutchtrader
A sweet and refreshing heavy hitter
By SamwiseGamge
Multi-layered fresh and tropical sweet long drink. Very much liked by the women at my house party.
By Gennekak
An other version of the more common apricot sour with lemon juice
By MarieEve
The perfect drink to enjoy on a sunny terrace just before having dinner.
By David
A classic drink made with Galliano
By David