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Apple Schnapps

Apple Schnapps

Type: Liqueur
Apple-flavored liqueur. Apple Pucker is an example of one.
Alcohol by volume: 15%

Added by David

All cocktails made with Apple Schnapps

  1. 5 O'clock in the Morning 8.3/10

    A mixture of different kinds of liquor. Very simple yet strong. This is a good party drink for social drinkers and drunkies. Enjoy
    By Kent

  2. AppletiniAppletini 8.0/10

    A very popular variation of the Vodka Martini
    By David

  3. Jolly Rancher 7.0/10

    Tastes just like the candy of the same name
    By David

  4. Spice Apple daiquiri

    Cinnamon apple
    By Francoisd

  5. Washington AppleWashington Apple

    A popular drink. Can also be served in a Martini glass or even as a shot.
    By David