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Iiyes like it sweet

Iiyes like it sweet

This ones for me

Ingredients required: White Rum, Triple Sec, Simple Syrup, Rich Simple Syrup, Ouzo, Orange Bitters, Malibu Rum, Lime Wedge, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by Iiyes

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Show the recipes I could do with the ingredients in my bar plus two

  1. Buttery NippleButtery Nipple

    A tasty shooter that has the flavor of a creamy butterscotch candy.
    By David

  2. Amaretto SourAmaretto Sour

    Not too sweet, not too sour - just super pleasant. Worth the extra effort to make.
    By Tawny

  3. Between the SheetsBetween the Sheets

    A delicious easy-to-drink cocktail
    By David

  4. Seven Seas

    The perfect cure for summer heat. A rum lover's dream.
    By SpiritOf78

  5. Jelly BeanJelly Bean

    By Heidy-Jaye