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Ingredients required: Whipped cream, Vodka (with Earl Grey tea infusion), Vodka, Tequila, Tea, Sugar, Pineapple Juice, Peach Schnapps, Orange Liqueur, Lime Juice. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by rcmanion

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  1. Irish Hot Chocolate

    Delicious on a long winter's night.
    By mlbuck69

  2. Margarita - The OriginalMargarita - The Original

    The original and true Margarita recipe. The orange liqueur it contains being the only sweeteness it needs.
    By David

  3. MudslideMudslide

    An excellent creamy dessert
    By David

  4. White LadyWhite Lady

    My favorite aperitif. Tasty and very refreshing!
    By David

  5. Kickin' Peach Tea

    Sweet, peachy, and refreshing
    By Craftyfox

  6. 57 Chevy

    A sweet and highly drinkable summertime drink
    By David

  7. Girls Night OutGirls Night Out

    Sweet or not, your pick. Sweeter means more peach schnapps and not so sweet means more Vodka
    By jeffery.bennett.92

  8. Woo wooWoo woo

    A simpler version of a Sex on the Beach
    By David