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Redheaded Stepchild

Redheaded Stepchild

Lightly Tangy and semi sweet drink


Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Apple Brandy[ Add ]
1 oz Vodka (Whipped Cream)[ Add ]
4 oz Cranberry Juice[ Add ]
Method: Stir
Glass: Highball
  1. Pour apple brandy, whipped vodka, and cranberry juice in tall glass with ice.
  2. Only lightly stir in glass as this tends to allow the individual flavors of each ingredient to be tasted more. Mixing in a shaker or over stirring will diminish the the flavor notes of the ingredients.

Volume: 7.0 oz
Alcohol units: 3.5 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 16%


Times viewed: 6656
Average Score: No votes

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Added by 50calflintlock on
Last updated on 2019-02-09 11:39:53
Status: Approved