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With only 3 ingredients, one of them being ice, there's no simpler way to enjoy the night or the day.


Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 12 oz Tubi 60[ Add ]
6 cubes Ice Cube[ Add ]
2 oz Water[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in the glass
Glass: Highball
  1. Just combine 3 ingredients together in a glass and enjoy refreshing taste.

Volume: 5.5 oz
Alcohol units: 1.8 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 11%


Times viewed: 12453
Average Score: 10.0 (1 vote)

My Score


The drink comes from Israel. Tubi 60's herbal blend of citrus, ginger, and other spices mean it has all the ingredients neccessary to be a cocktail in and of itself. Mixed simply with sparkling water, tonic, or mineral water, Tubi 60's herbaceousness opens up and creates a refreshing cocktail that can be relaxingly consumed over the course of several hours, refreshing the drinker without fatiguing them with overt sweetness.

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Here's a suggestion - how about a fun competition - every country submit it's best cocktail and then we see which world cocktail wins! A cocktail should sum up elements of it's country's origins. Like for instance tubi60 comes from Israel so the tubi60 cocktail submitted could be put forward to represent that country. Just a suggestion! A Greek submission might have Ouzo in it or Retsina! Anyone up for it? Come on, how about it, a World cocktail contest! What would be British? Something containing Gin? Any suggestions to get me started? I won't be representing all of the UK, that's too easy, just England! Tania P-C

Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-11-06 23:27:50

Hi! What an amazing spirit! Can you get Tubi 60 in England? It sounds like something I would enjoy. Can anyone describe what this smells lke and the initial taste. Is it slightly sweet? Are there any similar spirits from around rhe world that are herbsl or contain lots of natural ingredients? Thanks! Tsnia P-C

Comment by Tania P-C on 2017-11-06 23:12:06

Added by happyvicky1981 on
Last updated on 2017-07-01 04:23:04
Status: Approved