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Coffee and oranges married in a sweet, spicy bourbon. Unexpectedly delicious and aromatic.

[Dessert] [Glamour] [Party] [Retro] [Simple] [Strong]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 oz Bourbon[ Add ]
12 oz Coffee Liqueur[ Add ]
2 dashes Orange Bitters[ Add ]
Method: Stir
Glass: Cocktail
  1. Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass for about thirty seconds.
  2. Strain into the chilled glass.
  3. Garnish with a strip of orange peel after expressing its oils over the drink.

Volume: 2.6 oz
Alcohol units: 2.8 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 36%


Times viewed: 29721
Average Score: 7.8 (5 votes)

My Score


Praised by Jeffrey Morgenthaler in his infamous book, as shown in this article:
He advises for a Nick & Nora glass, so the martini glass is the optional one.

User Lists

  1. Gotta Try These by Tawny


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Very nice! For Bourbon lovers that want some new felling is a good choice. <3

Comment by Lemmy on 2016-06-20 16:53:36

Well, that depend on where in the world are you situated. Here, we don't have all the options, but we also don't have much reason to complain. In the given case, the bourbon in question is Bulleit (the regular - orange label). Currently my favorite. Here it is in the down to mid-range price category. And "sweet and spicy" is just my sensation when tasting it. Just like find their rye to have that "grassy bite". But that's only me, I guess. Cheers!

Comment by johnniepop on 2016-05-03 18:24:07

What would be an example of a low-cost "sweet and spicy bourbon" to use? This sounds like it could be quite tasty!

Comment by Tawny on 2016-05-03 01:30:46

Added by johnniepop on
Last updated on 2016-01-19 21:36:51
Status: Approved