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Ambos Mundos

Ambos Mundos

I believe a cocktail should have three main elements. A base, body and scent. In Ambos Mundos, I am using Bacardi as my base, Lavender for scent and Punt e Mes for it s unique sweet-sour taste give extraordinary body to my cocktail. The final result is a really balanced and tasty cocktail.

[Classic] [Glamour] [Red] [Winter Night]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 13 oz Bacardi[ Add ]
13 oz Golden Rum[ Add ]
13 oz Punt e Mes[ Add ]
2 dashes Lavender Bitters[ Add ]
Method: Stir
Glass: Cocktail
  1. Put all the ingredients and 2 dashes of Lavender bitters into a mixing glass.
  2. Stir with ice.
  3. Serve straight up to a martini glass.
  4. Twist with a lemon.
  5. Enjoy!

Volume: 2.1 oz
Alcohol units: 2.2 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 35%


Times viewed: 17456
Average Score: No votes

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Ambos mundos has been created for Bacardi Legacy Competition 2015.

The name means "Two Worlds" in Spanish and combines rum with vermouth, sweet and bitter taste!

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Added by Ambos Mundos on
Last updated on 2015-01-31 21:10:15
Status: Approved