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Club Tropicana

An easy to make party drink with a good kick and a delicious aftertaste

[Aperitif] [Green] [Party] [Poolside] [Tropical]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
3 shots Vodka[ Add ]
100 oz Orange Juice[ Add ]
3 dashes WKD Blue[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in the glass
Glass: Beer
  1. Add 3 shots of any vodka to a glass (ice optional, you wont taste the vodka so it unnecessary to use expensive vodka)
  2. Add about 3 dashes of blue wkd, stir to mix with vodka
  3. Top the glass with tropicana - or any fruity drink.
  4. The result should be a drink that is a bright green in colour.
  5. Enjoy.

Volume: 104.6 oz
Alcohol units: 5.4 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 2%


Times viewed: 20732
Average Score: 8.0 (2 votes)

My Score


a favorite pre-drink for myself

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Added by alex.chambers.372 on
Last updated on 2013-03-12 08:18:39
Status: Approved