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A Mojito with a twist... we ran out of white rum. Refreshing and fruity.

[Party] [Refreshing] [Strong]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
2 parts Gin[ Add ]
1 part White Rum[ Add ]
1 dash Chambord[ Add ]
1 dash Lemonade[ Add ]
1 tsp Brown Sugar[ Add ]
1 slice Ginger (Fresh)[ Add ]
1 Lime[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Margarita
  1. Add 1 measure of rum and 2 of gin to tumbler.
  2. Squeeze in the juice of a whole lime and keep a wedge to garnish.
  3. Add a dash of Chambord.
  4. Add a teaspoon of dark brown sugar, a sliver of fresh ginger and a handful of mint leaves. Crush with a spoon until sugar dissolves.
  5. top up with ice and little lemonade or soda. Add more mixer for a long cocktail.
  6. You can also sieve out the mint and ginger before the last step, but it looks nice as garnish.

Volume: 3.2 oz
Alcohol units: 3.6 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 37%


Times viewed: 67733
Average Score: 8.7 (3 votes)

My Score


Made as a celebration of my partners new job. Intended to make a Mojito but there was only a little rum so I improvised. Enjoy!

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Added by DavidLePidoptera on
Last updated on 2012-03-09 10:40:03
Status: Approved