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Jule 2016


Here are the ingredients you will need to do this many servings of these drinks:

Toasted Almond
Alabama Slammer
Slam Dunk
Sea Breeze
Bay Breeze
Perfect Margarita
Surfer on Acid
Santo Libre
Lava Flow
Toblerone Cocktail
White Cuban
Sicilian Kiss
Spiced Crumble

You will need: [ oz | cl ]

Rum2 oz Rum
(Santo Libre)
Vodka3 12 oz Vodka
(Bay Breeze, Sea Breeze, Alabama Slammer)
Tequila1 12 oz Tequila
(Perfect Margarita)
Malibu Rum1 oz Malibu Rum
(Lava Flow)
Captain Morgan1 oz Captain Morgan
(Spiced Crumble)
Coconut Rum1 oz Coconut Rum
(Surfer on Acid)
White Rum1 oz White Rum
(Lava Flow)
Malibu Rum1 12 oz Malibu Rum
(White Cuban)
Amaretto3 oz Amaretto
(Sicilian Kiss, Toasted Almond, Alabama Slammer)
Southern Comfort3 12 oz Southern Comfort
(Slam Dunk, Sicilian Kiss, Alabama Slammer)
Cointreau1 oz Cointreau
(Perfect Margarita)
Kahlúa1 12 oz Kahlúa
(Toasted Almond, Toblerone Cocktail)
Frangelico12 oz Frangelico
(Toblerone Cocktail)
Cacao Cream12 oz Cacao Cream
(Toblerone Cocktail)
Baileys Irish Cream12 oz Baileys Irish Cream
(Toblerone Cocktail)
Kahlúa1 oz Kahlúa
(White Cuban)
Jägermeister®1 oz Jägermeister®
(Surfer on Acid)
Orange Juice6 12 oz Orange Juice
(Alabama Slammer, Slam Dunk)
Cranberry Juice9 12 oz Cranberry Juice
(Sea Breeze, Bay Breeze, Slam Dunk)
Apple Juice4 oz Apple Juice
(Spiced Crumble)
Pineapple Juice5 oz Pineapple Juice
(Surfer on Acid, Lava Flow, Bay Breeze)
Lime Juice1 14 oz Lime Juice
(Perfect Margarita, Santo Libre)
Grapefruit Juice1 oz Grapefruit Juice
(Sea Breeze)
Chocolate Syrup2 dashes Chocolate Syrup
(Toblerone Cocktail)
Sprite6 oz Sprite
(Santo Libre, Sicilian Kiss)
Coconut Cream2 oz Coconut Cream
(Lava Flow)
Ginger Ale12 oz Ginger Ale
(Spiced Crumble)
7UP oz 7UP
(Sicilian Kiss)
Strawberry2 oz Strawberry
(Lava Flow)
Banana1 Banana
(Lava Flow)
Apple1 slice Apple
(Spiced Crumble)
Cream2 oz Cream
(Toasted Almond)
Heavy Milk Cream1 oz Heavy Milk Cream
(White Cuban)
Ice Cream (Vanilla)3 scoops Ice Cream (Vanilla)
(Toblerone Cocktail)