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Whisky cocktails


Here are the ingredients you will need to do this many servings of these drinks:

Mint Julep
Whisky Sour
Weng weng
Jack and Coke
Silent Third
Whisky Sour Classic
Irish Julep
Sea Sunrise
Triple C
Scottish Ginger-Ale
Canadian Cowboy
Old Rye Gal

You will need: [ oz | cl ]

Scotch3 34 oz Scotch
(Scottish Ginger-Ale, Weng weng)
Irish Whisky3 oz Irish Whisky
(Irish Julep)
Rye Whiskey4 oz Rye Whiskey
(CCC, Old Rye Gal)
Jack Daniel's2 oz Jack Daniel's
(Jack and Coke)
Whisky5 oz Whisky
(Whisky Sour, Whisky Sour Classic, Silent Third)
Crown Royal2 oz Crown Royal
(Canadian Cowboy)
Canadian Club2 oz Canadian Club
(Triple C)
Bourbon2 34 oz Bourbon
(Mint Julep, Weng weng)
Tequila34 oz Tequila
(Weng weng)
Vodka34 oz Vodka
(Weng weng)
Rum34 oz Rum
(Weng weng)
Brandy34 oz Brandy
(Weng weng)
Whisky1 part Whisky
(Sea Sunrise)
Malibu Rum1 part Malibu Rum
(Sea Sunrise)
Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer6 oz Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer
(Triple C)
Cointreau1 oz Cointreau
(Silent Third)
Cranberry Juice4 oz Cranberry Juice
(Canadian Cowboy)
Pineapple Juice2 oz Pineapple Juice
(Weng weng)
Orange Juice2 oz Orange Juice
(Weng weng)
Lemon Juice3 12 oz Lemon Juice
(Whisky Sour, Whisky Sour Classic, Silent Third, CCC)
Simple Syrup2 12 oz Simple Syrup
(Whisky Sour Classic, Irish Julep, Whisky Sour)
Grenadine1 dash Grenadine
(Weng weng)
Simple Syrup1 dash Simple Syrup
(Mint Julep)
Coke7 oz Coke
(Jack and Coke, CCC)
Ginger Ale7 oz Ginger Ale
(Old Rye Gal, Scottish Ginger-Ale)
Rose's Lime Juice12 oz Rose's Lime Juice
(Scottish Ginger-Ale)
Mint Leaves1 oz Mint Leaves
(Old Rye Gal)
Mint Leaves13 Mint Leaves
(Irish Julep, Mint Julep)
Lime Wedge1 tsp Lime Wedge
(Canadian Cowboy)
Maraschino Cherry1 tbsp Maraschino Cherry
(Old Rye Gal)
Egg White1 Egg White
(Whisky Sour Classic)
Ice Cube1 scoop Ice Cube
(Triple C)