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Recipes that need to be written down in the box.
Ingredients required: Vodka, Triple Sec, Tequila, Sweet and Sour, Rum, Orange Juice, Midori, Lime Juice, Lemonade, Lemon Juice. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by Banana
The Brandy Sour is a mixed alcoholic cocktail considered the unofficial national cocktail of Cyprus
By vimukthi sumathiratne
A beautiful balance of sweet, sour and bitter. Easy to prepare. The Amaretto is sweet enough to not need any added sugar. Wow!
By stangelj
A refreshing melon drink.
By David
Be warned. The third one hits home.
By StéphanieMartin
A cousin of the Long Island with a melon twist
By Jason112
Really easy to do I was bored and mix until I got this is refreshing the kind of drink u will get more then once.