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Favorite Shooters

Favorite Shooters

Only Shooters

Ingredients required: Whipped cream, Vodka, Triple Sec, Tequila (Silver), Tequila (Gold), Tequila, Tabasco, Sambuca, Kahlúa, Jägermeister®. [See the full ingredient list]

A list created by hsheikh

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  1. Slippery NipplesSlippery Nipples

    A popular shooter, made of Sambuca and Bailey's.
    By David

  2. Whistle

    Smells like after taste
    By Yanah

  3. Gold Margarita

    A quick and easy shooter for any Margarita Fan.
    By brett

  4. Blow JobBlow Job

    To be be shot without using your hands!
    By David

  5. Flat-linerFlat-liner

    A nice hot shooter that will make you wish you were near a hospital
    By rgrahamh2o

  6. Golden Elk

    A very potent shooter indeed.
    By David

  7. Sub ZeroSub Zero

    A shooter that looks and tastes a bit like a mouthwash. Blue Curacao gives it a nice blue color.
    By David

  8. Soma Coma

    Very Tasty Ice Cold Shooter
    By dparro1