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Aussi connu sous le nom de verre à Martini, la forme de ce verre aide a garder tous les ingrédients bien mélangés. Le pied permet au liquide de rester froid lorsqu'on le tient. Contient de 4 à 6 onces.
Doesn't taste like lemon at all
Par Mufti Hakim
Sweet and very strong perfect after dinner drink
Par winston.weasel
I believe a cocktail should have three main elements. A base, body and scent. In Ambos Mundos, I am using Bacardi as my base, Lavender for scent and Punt e Mes for it s unique sweet-sour taste give extraordinary body to my cocktail.
The final result is a really balanced and tasty cocktail.
Par Ambos Mundos
The Graham Greene Cocktail was invented at the Metropole Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam in 1951, after the literary man of the same name!! The rebellious communist and some time guilty but roguish Catholic was an interesting character and one worthy of this intriguing cocktail
Par DEJReynolds
Taken from the Chartreuse website.
Par deenybean
Taken from Chartreuse website.
Par deenybean
Taken from Chartreuse website.
Par deenybean
Taken from Chartreuse website.
Par deenybean
Chartreuse shooter
Par deenybean
Never try never know
Par alexyoong123
Drinking this comes as quite a shock to the palate which I guess may be the entire point of the cocktail which is filed under the "Hair of the dog".
Par planethaylock
A potent Feminine drink with a dash of manliness
Par Assemblyrooms
Refreshing drink
Par scuba
Great mix
Par steve.srt2007
The cocktail some think has been forgotten as given by Patrick Duffy in his Official Mixer's Manual.
Par Vitamin J
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