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Ingrédients [ oz | cl ] | [ Mon bar ] |
1 oz Brandy | [ Ajouter ] |
1 oz Fernet Branca | [ Ajouter ] |
1 oz Creme de Menthe | [ Ajouter ] |
Volume: 3,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 3,1 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 34%
Nombre de visionnement: 8933
Evaluation moyenne: Pas d'évaluation
Mon évaluation |
Found in Booth's Handbook of Cocktails & Mixed Drinks by John Doxat, 1977.
As this has completely different ingredients to the Corpse Reviver #2 I can only assume that it is the original Corpse Reviver cocktail. The author credits it to the Savoy Hotel.
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Ajouté par planethaylock le 2015-03-21 14:49:06
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2015-03-22 18:48:25
Statut: Aprouvé