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Volume: 3,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 2,4 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 27%
Nombre de visionnement: 62188
Evaluation moyenne: 8,3 (18 évaluations)
Mon évaluation |
From Wikipedia:
The Negroni was invented by General Pascal Olivier Count de Negroni (Born: Castle of San Colombano 4 April 1829- Died: Alencon, Orne, 22 October 1913).
Un apéro italien classique, très aprécié des touristes américains en Italie dans les années 1900.
Une variante du Negroni, fait à partir de whisky.
A variation on a classic cocktail
Two of the most emblematic drinks of the Italian North in a very simple but triumph of equality. Bitter and sweet. Red on red. With a little southern hint of citrus.
Ajouter un commentaire pour ce drink:
Well, having a shaken Negroni is fine, and it is called Neighborhood Negroni. But stirred ... the Negroni is not a stirred drink the the sense of the ... say Manhattan - you don't stir it in a separate glass, and then strain it, you directly build it in the drinking-glass.
On the matter of the orange - a dash or to of orange bitters are also (and always) acceptable, besides the mandatory orange peel (however you like it.
One additional point - if you have the chance, try it with Brockmans gin - a world of difference in the taste!
Commentaire par johnniepop le 2016-05-06 18:47:42
With a Negroni, higher end gin and vermouth make a massive difference. I like to bruise the gin by shaking, not stirring, the Negroni. Burnt orange peel on the rim of the glass as well as flaming the orange oil over the drink are critical steps as well, in my opinion. It's a very boozy drink, be forewarned.
Commentaire par HarbourDog le 2016-04-16 20:06:42
The taste is strong, the first time I've not really enjoyed it but now I'm used to the bitter taste. This being said, I would not drink a big glass.
Commentaire par JohnMarston le 2015-08-06 05:00:43
Ultimate favourite! Bitter taste is quite unusual and the Negroni makes it high class. Having it with very aromatic gin (just not one of the cucumber infused ones - not that they're bad, it's just that they don't fit at all) can yield unexpected trip of the senses.
Commentaire par johnniepop le 2015-05-18 09:13:43
Ajouté par David le 2009-08-17 16:16:54
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2009-09-24 19:32:57
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