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Cinnamon Bun

Another delicious creation from our home bar.

[Dessert] [Fort] [Joli] [Shooter] [Sucré]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
12 oz Kahlua Peppermint[ Ajouter ]
12 oz Frangelico[ Ajouter ]
12 oz Rum Chata[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Préparer dans le verre
Verre: à shooter
  1. Pour kahlua peppermint into the bottom of shot glass, careful not to touch the sides of the glass
  2. Using bar spoon to layer, pour rumchata carefully over the back of the spoon to cover
  3. Again using the bar spoon pour frangelico over the bar spoon to layer
  4. Enjoy!

Volume: 1,5 oz
Unités d'alcool: 0,8 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 18%


Nombre de visionnement: 39123
Evaluation moyenne: 10,0 (1 évaluation)

Mon évaluation


This is what I came up with while playing around with liqueurs! Delicious, tastes just like freshly baked cinnamon buns!

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Dernière mise-à-jour le 2014-12-06 20:24:55
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