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Purple Rain

Purple Rain

A really nice taste with an amazing colour gradient. If you do it right, you get "clouds" of purple hanging in the red of the grenadine.

[Bleu] [Filles] [Joli] [Rafraichissant] [Rouge] [Sucré]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
1 oz Rhum Blanc[ Ajouter ]
1 oz Schnapps aux pêches[ Ajouter ]
3 traits Curaçao bleu[ Ajouter ]
1 oz Grenadine[ Ajouter ]
2 oz Limonade[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Sur glace
Verre: Collins
  1. Fill the collins glass 3/4 with ice.
  2. Add peach schnapps, white rum, then grenadine.
  3. Use a bar spoon (or any spoon with a long handle) to gently lift the grenadine through the ice.
  4. Top with lemonade to taste, but leave enough room for the next step.
  5. Once you have mixed, drizzle a small amount of blue curacao down the sides of the glass.
  6. The blue curacao will fall through the red cocktail leaving a trail of purple clouds. and beautiful gradient between red and blue.

Volume: 5,1 oz
Unités d'alcool: 2,0 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 13%


Nombre de visionnement: 145205
Evaluation moyenne: 8,9 (16 évaluations)

Mon évaluation



Cocktails apparentés

  1. Purple Rain

    Un drink au look intéressant. On y voit des gouttes de pluie mauve descendre dans le verre.

Listes de cocktails

  1. Soirée EXC par kyleken11


Ajouter un commentaire pour ce drink:

I made this in a large tulip glass and the clouds looked really good

Commentaire par Bobologist le 2015-08-23 15:59:35

Ajouté par stul le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2013-02-16 16:30:38
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