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psycho cocktail list


Voici les ingrédients dont vous aurez besoin pour préparer ce nombre de portions de chaque drink:

Sex on the Beach
Smooth Afternoon With Max
Blue Lagoon
Bloody Mary
Tequila Sunrise
El Presidente
Frozen Blue Hawaii
Swimming Pool
Fidel Castro
4 Horsemen
Surfer on Acid
57 Chevy
5 O'clock in the Morning
The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail
Horny Bull
Irish Trashcan

Vous aurez besoin: [ oz | cl ]

Tequila15 oz Tequila
(Frozen Blue Hawaii, Horny Bull, Smooth Afternoon With Max, Tequila Sunrise, Matador, Paralyzer, AMF, 5 O'clock in the Morning )
Rhum ambré3 oz Rhum ambré
(El Presidente, Zombie)
Vodka12 34 oz Vodka
(Bloody Mary, Blue Lagoon, Screwdriver, Cosmopolitan, Sex on the Beach, Irish Trashcan, Swimming Pool, 5 O'clock in the Morning , Paralyzer, AMF, 57 Chevy)
Rhum cubain3 12 oz Rhum cubain
(Mojito, Fidel Castro)
Rhum Blanc3 oz Rhum Blanc
(Swimming Pool, Zombie, AMF)
Rhum à saveur de coconut1 oz Rhum à saveur de coconut
(Surfer on Acid)
Rhum1 12 oz Rhum
(Irish Trashcan, 5 O'clock in the Morning )
Gin2 oz Gin
(Irish Trashcan, AMF, 5 O'clock in the Morning )
Rhum foncé1 oz Rhum foncé
Brandy12 oz Brandy
(5 O'clock in the Morning )
Bacardi 1512 dashes Bacardi 151
Tequila1 part Tequila
(4 Horsemen)
Scotch1 part Scotch
(4 Horsemen)
Tequila (Silver)1 part Tequila (Silver)
Bourbon1 part Bourbon
(4 Horsemen)
Jack Daniel's1 part Jack Daniel's
(4 Horsemen)
Vodka aux mûres1 oz Vodka aux mûres
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Schnapps aux pommes6 oz Schnapps aux pommes
(5 O'clock in the Morning )
Curaçao bleu6 14 oz Curaçao bleu
(Frozen Blue Hawaii, Irish Trashcan, AMF, Blue Lagoon, Swimming Pool)
Triple Sec3 oz Triple Sec
(Smooth Afternoon With Max, Irish Trashcan)
Schnapps aux pêches3 oz Schnapps aux pêches
(57 Chevy, Irish Trashcan, Sex on the Beach)
Liqueur d'orange2 oz Liqueur d'orange
(Cosmopolitan, 57 Chevy, El Presidente)
Vermouth blanc1 oz Vermouth blanc
(El Presidente)
Liqueur d'apricot1 oz Liqueur d'apricot
Chambord12 oz Chambord
(Sex on the Beach)
Kahlúa12 oz Kahlúa
Sambuca1 part Sambuca
Jägermeister®1 oz Jägermeister®
(Surfer on Acid)
Limonade congelée6 oz Limonade congelée
(Frozen Blue Hawaii)
Jus d'orange17 oz Jus d'orange
(Screwdriver, Horny Bull, Tequila Sunrise, Sex on the Beach, Zombie)
Jus de tomate5 oz Jus de tomate
(Bloody Mary)
Jus d'ananas12 oz Jus d'ananas
(57 Chevy, Matador, Surfer on Acid, Swimming Pool, Zombie)
Jus de canneberge2 oz Jus de canneberge
(Sex on the Beach)
Jus de canneberge congelé1 oz Jus de canneberge congelé
Jus de citron1 12 oz Jus de citron
(Blue Lagoon, Bloody Mary)
Jus de lime2 14 oz Jus de lime
(Cosmopolitan, Fidel Castro, Mojito, Matador, Zombie)
Jus de canneberge1 oz Jus de canneberge
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Grenadine34 oz Grenadine
(Tequila Sunrise)
Grenadine3 dash Grenadine
(El Presidente, Zombie, Smooth Afternoon With Max)
Coke4 oz Coke
Soda au Gingembre4 oz Soda au Gingembre
(Fidel Castro)
Club Soda3 oz Club Soda
7UP2 oz 7UP
Sweet and Sour2 oz Sweet and Sour
Crème de coco34 oz Crème de coco
(Swimming Pool)
Red Bull1 Red Bull
(Irish Trashcan)
Limonade1 oz Limonade
(The Dark Knight Rises Cocktail)
Feuilles de menthe6 Feuilles de menthe
Sucre brun2 tsps Sucre brun
Sauce Worcestershire2 dashes Sauce Worcestershire
(Bloody Mary)
Tabasco2 dashes Tabasco
(Bloody Mary)
Sel de céleri1 pinch Sel de céleri
(Bloody Mary)
Poivre noir1 pinch Poivre noir
(Bloody Mary)
Tabasco4 drops Tabasco
Canneberge1 Canneberge
(Smooth Afternoon With Max)
Crème4 oz Crème
Crème laitière épaisse14 oz Crème laitière épaisse
(Swimming Pool)