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Type: Liqueur (part of the Coffee Liqueur category)
A coffee liqueur
Alcohol by volume: 20%
Added by David
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All cocktails made with Kahlúa
Smooth shot going down.
By jandj21
To be be shot without using your hands!
By David
Simply a White Russian cocktail, with a few extra ingredients to fire it up a little bit.
By 200ProofDAVE
Frozen variation of mud slide we don't always have milk, so we usually use yoo-hoo Www
By dutchess2384
A frozen variation of the popular Mudslide, prepared with a scoop of ice cream
By Shaun
I created this cocktail for our college get together party of Maliyadeva College 89 group
By vimukthi sumathiratne
Good for quiet nights at home before bed.
By Cdub
A Black Russian from Mexico.
By David
Great refreshment for any time
By mojito21000
A manlier version of the popular B-52 shooter.
By David
A kind of alcoholic milk shake
By David
Just a nice winter, warming drink. very rich
By justakid
With this name u dont need description :)
By Dr.Shone
A kind of chocolate Pina Colada.
By David
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