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Passion Fruit Juice

Passion Fruit Juice

Type: Juice

Added by David

All cocktails made with Passion Fruit Juice

  1. Miss Ellie 10.0/10

    Cheerful summer or birthday party drink, which can be made into a virgin drink very easily.
    By Paul 257 Pub

  2. HurricaneHurricane 8.8/10

    The pride, joy and infamy of Pat O'Brien's Bar in the French Quarter in New Orleans.
    By David

  3. Caipitropical 8.5/10

    Feel the summer!
    By Vink

  4. Prohibition PunchProhibition Punch 8.0/10

    A fizzy tropical prohibition style drink that packs a punch!
    By hazelspacelady

  5. Pirate Sunset 8.0/10

    "Where's all the rum gone?" - It went into this delicious cannonball of a drink that even Jack Sparrow would love to get drunk by. 'arr 'arr.
    By solicitor73

  6. Pimm's Tropical Lounger 8.0/10

    Refreshing Mango and Passionfruit cocktail infused with Pimm's, Cherry Brandy, Cointreau & Lime. Perfect for a slow summer drink.
    By Wilky25

  7. The Carribean Cocktail

    This cool Caribbean Refresher will give your taste buds the time of their life!
    By dg6176

  8. Cyrus Peter

    My first cocktail
    By Jude PeterBenjamin