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The best cocktails to be enjoyed late on a sunny afternoon... See also the Aperitif category.
It is an amazing drink.
By bbkey
Tropical bliss without the cream or froth! Adjust the grenadine and/or vary it up with fresh lime juice or an oz. or two of tropical juice
By gabjet
Light and refreshing pineapple vodka martini
By gabjet
Refreshing tropical martini
By gabjet
Refreshing cocktail with citrus and sweet undertones
By gabjet
This cool Caribbean Refresher will give your taste buds the time of their life!
By dg6176
A unique take on the traditional Tequila Sunrise; for a more tropical flavor use coconut tequila
By gabjet
By Francoisd
By Francoisd
Cinnamon apple
By Francoisd
A classic cocktail, rumored to be Al Capone's favorite, whose gang dominated Chicago's South Side.
By David
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