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Volume: 1.0 oz
Alcohol units: 1.6 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 54%
Times viewed: 26138
Average Score: 7.0 (1 vote)
My Score |
Having bought my first bottle of absinthe I was wondering with what other strong spirit (i.e. above 40% ABV) it can be combined. I happened to have the Galliano and the Stroh 80, so the next logical step was to check how those pretty poisons can make layers. They really can. The only disadvantage is that combined they block your taste receptors so hard, that you just can't experience the full bouquet of their tastes.
The name comes from the astrophysics and represents a theoretical phenomenon of a black hole created solely by light.
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Oh I see that the absinthe I used is stronger too - Pernod is 68% ABV.
Comment by johnniepop on 2015-06-23 02:43:08
The ABV content (of my version) is actually about 64%, because the Galliano I have is 42.5 ABV.
Comment by johnniepop on 2015-06-23 02:40:40
Added by johnniepop on 2015-06-22 17:39:46
Last updated on 2015-06-23 06:57:44
Status: Approved