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our cocktails
Ingredients required: White Rum, Whisky, Vodka, Triple Sec, Pineapple Juice, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice, Midori, Maraschino Cherry, Malibu Rum. [See the full ingredient list]
A list created by richard.barnes1967
A refreshing yet fun drink off an old classic.
By Francesco
Purple drops makes this a very nice looking drink.
By David
A really nice taste with an amazing colour gradient. If you do it right, you get "clouds" of purple hanging in the red of the grenadine.
By stul
Citrus and Butterscotch. It just works.
By dutchtrader
A cocktail so fine and delicate and rich in flavour that you'll always want another one ...
By johnniepop
Tasty and refreshing classic.
By gcasta
A very sweet cocktail based on melon liqueur
By David
A refreshing shooter that is 'UGLY' to look at but tastes a treat.
By Athena