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Sweet American Flag

Sweet American Flag

A sweet way to celebrate the USA

[Joli] [Party] [Shooter] [Sucré]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
13 oz Curaçao bleu[ Ajouter ]
13 oz Triple Sec[ Ajouter ]
12 oz Grenadine[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Préparer dans le verre
Verre: à shooter
  1. Put the grenadine in the bottom of the glass (suggest you can make it slightly less than 1 part)
  2. Chill some Tripple sec and layer it on top of the grenadine (chilling will give it a frosty white look and make it taste better, you should use slightly more than one part of this to make up for the lack of grenadine)
  3. Layer the blue Curaçao on top.
  4. Snap a picture and toast the USA!

Volume: 1,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 0,5 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 17%


Nombre de visionnement: 9557
Evaluation moyenne: 8,0 (1 évaluation)

Mon évaluation


This was my impromptu concoction originally created on July 4th, designed to greet my guests with a tipsy way to say "Thanks for coming and happy Independance Day"

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Ajouté par patterson221 le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2016-07-04 21:17:50
Statut: Aprouvé