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Allan Q

Allan Q

Hot and mellow as Africa, cold and strong as the hunter's heart. The all-time controversial Africa. The shooter is dedicated to Allan Quatermain.

[Joli] [Shooter] [Sucré]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
12 oz Amarula[ Ajouter ]
12 oz Kahlúa[ Ajouter ]
12 oz Jägermeister®[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Préparer dans le verre
Verre: à shooter
  1. Put the coffee liqueur in the shooter glass (you may use another brand, but it should be at the bottom).
  2. Layer carefully (using the back of a fitting spoon) the Amarula cream.
  3. Layer the Jägermeister.

Volume: 1,5 oz
Unités d'alcool: 1,1 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 24%


Nombre de visionnement: 28744
Evaluation moyenne: 8,5 (2 évaluations)

Mon évaluation


One evening I was thinking of Africa, and coffee, and the old-time hunters, and in a snap, it all came together fitting in one monolith piece:
The coffee liqueur - Africa is where it (the coffee) came from in the first place.
The cream liqueur - it must be the Amarula.
The herbal liqueur - must be Jägermeister - Allan Quatermain - the fictional hero - the infamous hunter whose home became Africa.

Listes de cocktails

  1. My own par johnniepop


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Ajouté par johnniepop le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2015-07-07 17:49:47
Statut: Aprouvé