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A White Russian made with Malibu instead of Vodka. This works surprisingly well.
[Nuit d'hiver] [Simple]
Ingrédients [ oz | cl ] | [ Mon bar ] |
1 1⁄2 oz Rhum Malibu | [ Ajouter ] |
1 oz Kahlúa | [ Ajouter ] |
1 oz Crème laitière épaisse | [ Ajouter ] |
Volume: 3,5 oz
Unités d'alcool: 1,5 verre standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 15%
Nombre de visionnement: 91408
Evaluation moyenne: 8,8 (11 évaluations)
Mon évaluation |
This came about by accident, having run out of vodka, and wanting a White Russian. I had a quick look at my stock, and the Malibu struck me as something that could work.
The name is simply me trying to figure out what a White Russian with a Carribean twist would be.
Une variante célèbre du Black Russian. Le drink préféré de "The Dude" dans "The Big Lebowski"!
Canadian Version of the classic "White Russian". A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. A very strong drink for those long winter nights. A nice white chocolate treat, perfect to end the night.
Simply a White Russian cocktail, with a few extra ingredients to fire it up a little bit.
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Ajouté par stul le 2013-03-23 16:46:15
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2013-03-23 16:46:15
Statut: Aprouvé