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Volume: 8,5 oz
Unités d'alcool: 5,4 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 21%
Nombre de visionnement: 376787
Evaluation moyenne: 8,8 (19 évaluations)
Mon évaluation |
Allez-y mollo avec ce drink. Son gout sucré cache bien la puissance en alcool!
Le zombie est un cocktail très populaire chez les jeunes. Il est délicieux et très fort en alcool donc attention : après 2 zombies, vous allez en avoir l'air d'un!
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Not bad, but still the recipe in this form is so generic that with different brands of the main spirits you might get more than ten cocktails with this name and quite a different tastes. This one is prone to many experiments. My current is kind of so, so ...
Commentaire par johnniepop le 2015-10-11 15:31:21
Yummy! I love this. And despite all the alcohol that I put in it. It's not overwhelming with the alcohol. Like you can taste the fruit juices which is nice. Easy way to get hammered tho! Lol
Commentaire par Miguelm916 le 2014-05-24 20:17:23
A very nice and smooth can enjoy this drink more with a filipino barbecue on stick or any traditional spanish tapas.Just be careful driving after your third glass!
Commentaire par tNhS1990 le 2014-05-12 09:09:47
Great drink for those who wants to get drunk without even feeling the bitterness of some alcoholic drinks.
Commentaire par rochelle.jariol le 2014-04-17 06:43:22
Had my first two Weng wengs in Manila 10 years ago. Tastes great ! The walk back to my hotel room, two blocks, was difficult though. Awesome drink.
Commentaire par AnitaPierson le 2012-03-24 19:22:31
Ajouté par David le 2010-08-01 16:11:05
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2011-06-29 14:05:02
Statut: Aprouvé