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stuff with almondy goodness
Ingrédients requis:Whisky, Vodka, Vermouth rouge, Rhum Malibu, Jus de pomme, Jus de lime, Jus de citron, Jus de canneberge, Jus d'ananas, Grenadine. [Voir la liste complète]
Liste créée par ninchan
Very sweet and smooth.
Par Mashpoa
Refreshing summer cocktail
Par serdar1983
This version of the classic Manhattan incorporates a few additional ingredients that add some sweetness to the classic Manhattan. I think that these additions make this drink more palatable than the traditional Manhattan and accentuate the positive qualities of the Whiskey.
Par Zuellander
A Cosmopolitan with a very interesting almond twist
Par David
Cocktail de thème Dragon Age: Inquisition, servit pendant le party de lancement à Montréal.
Par FreAkInZ