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BamaJam Farms


Voici les ingrédients dont vous aurez besoin pour préparer ce nombre de portions de chaque drink:

Sex on the Beach
Le nuage
Tequila Sunrise
Alabama Slammer
Margarita - The Original
Slam Dunk
Strawberry Daiquiri
Woo woo
Sea Breeze
Fuzzy Shark
Jolly Rancher
Salty Dog
Blue Frog
Redheaded Slut
Jack and Coke
Sloe Screw
Sea Sunrise
Baby Blue
Girls Night Out

Vous aurez besoin: [ oz | cl ]

Tequila6 oz Tequila
(Margarita - The Original, Tequila Sunrise, Margarita, AMF)
Vodka12 oz Vodka
(Greyhound, Bullfrog, Sloe Screw, Blue Frog, Sea Breeze, Woo woo, Sex on the Beach, Baby Blue, AMF, Alabama Slammer)
Gin4 12 oz Gin
(Salty Dog, Le nuage , AMF)
Jack Daniel's2 oz Jack Daniel's
(Jack and Coke)
Rhum1 oz Rhum
(Strawberry Daiquiri)
Rhum Blanc12 oz Rhum Blanc
Rhum Malibu1 part Rhum Malibu
(Sea Sunrise)
Whisky1 part Whisky
(Sea Sunrise)
Vodka0,5 part Vodka
Vodka23 oz Vodka
Vodka1 shot Vodka
(Girls Night Out)
Gin à la prunelle1 12 oz Gin à la prunelle
(Sloe Screw)
Schnapps aux pêches3 12 oz Schnapps aux pêches
(Fuzzy Shark, Redheaded Slut, Woo woo, Sex on the Beach)
Midori1 12 oz Midori
(Jolly Rancher)
Southern Comfort2 oz Southern Comfort
(Slam Dunk, Alabama Slammer)
Cointreau1 oz Cointreau
(Margarita - The Original)
Curaçao bleu2 oz Curaçao bleu
(Baby Blue, AMF, Fuzzy Shark)
Liqueur d'orange34 oz Liqueur d'orange
Chambord12 oz Chambord
(Sex on the Beach)
Amaretto12 oz Amaretto
(Alabama Slammer)
Schnapps aux pommes12 oz Schnapps aux pommes
(Jolly Rancher)
Triple Sec34 oz Triple Sec
(Le nuage , Bullfrog)
Schnapps aux pêches1 part Schnapps aux pêches
Curaçao bleu0,25 part Curaçao bleu
Curaçao bleu23 oz Curaçao bleu
Schnapps aux pêches1 shot Schnapps aux pêches
(Girls Night Out)
Jägermeister®1 oz Jägermeister®
(Redheaded Slut)
Jus de canneberge19 12 oz Jus de canneberge
(Girls Night Out, Sea Breeze, Woo woo, Redheaded Slut, Sex on the Beach, Slam Dunk, Jolly Rancher)
Jus d'orange21 12 oz Jus d'orange
(Sloe Screw, Alabama Slammer, Tequila Sunrise, Fuzzy Shark, Sex on the Beach, Slam Dunk)
Jus de pamplemousse9 oz Jus de pamplemousse
(Salty Dog, Greyhound, Sea Breeze)
Jus d'ananas3 oz Jus d'ananas
(Baby Blue)
Limonade congelée3 oz Limonade congelée
(Margarita, Strawberry Daiquiri)
Jus de lime1 oz Jus de lime
(Margarita - The Original)
Jus d'ananas2 parts Jus d'ananas
Jus d'orange3 13 oz Jus d'orange
Grenadine34 oz Grenadine
(Tequila Sunrise)
Limonade11 oz Limonade
(Bullfrog, Blue Frog)
Coke5 oz Coke
(Jack and Coke)
7UP2 oz 7UP
Sweet and Sour3 oz Sweet and Sour
(AMF, Jolly Rancher)
Fraise4 Fraise
(Strawberry Daiquiri)