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Vodka (with Earl Grey tea infusion)

Vodka (with Earl Grey tea infusion)

Type: Spiritueux (de la catégorie Vodka)
To make the Earl Grey tea infused vodka add 6 teaspoons of the freshest loose tea you can find to a ¾ full bottle of premium Russian Vodka. Let the tea steep at room temperature for half an hour, shake, and seep for an additional half hour. Strain the vodka using a mesh tea strainer and rebottle the infusion.

Recipe by: High Spirits! The Art of Premium Cocktails
Alcool par volume: 40%

Ajouté par HighSpirits

Afficher plus de recettes faites avec Vodka

Tous les drinks avec Vodka (with Earl Grey tea infusion)

  1. Kickin' Peach Tea 9,5/10

    Sweet, peachy, and refreshing
    Par Craftyfox

  2. Vesper Grey 7,0/10

    The key to this twist on the Vesper classic is the use of Earl Grey tea infused Russian Vodka.
    Par HighSpirits